Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Two Days Now

Well, let's see. We left yestersay morning and it is now late Tuesday evening. Does that count for two days. Much has happened.
  • Cat named Sammy made the trip for the first time. Oh boy, so much fun listening to his complaining all the way.
  • Cat named Sammy has adjusted well and is exploring and knows his home.
  • Watched Chandler play ball. His team got waht the coach called a good ole fashioned ass whipping. Everyone was happy to play and parents and grandparents happy to watch.
  • Within two hours of being here the clip earrings were on the shade and pictures taken. ( Found the camera) ( camera is now in bedroom, honey is now in bedroom, so I don't want to awake him looking. Maybe in the morn.
  • Hung more lace curtains today. YUM!
  • Unloaded rest of traier and positioned much of the furniture. Still have quite a heavy piece to get up the stairs. Oh MY. This 60 year old body is not as spry as it used to be.
  • I unpacked most of my Waterford Crystal and put it away. a Couple of boxes left to go.My mother has given me a great since of appreciation in the beauty of crystal Thank you mom.
  • I think we are now official. Randy has the mail box installed!
  • Hope you have all voted for your next American Idol.
  • Going to look at roofs tomorrow for our cottage.
  • I am fast falling asleep. Good Night----
  • Unloaded trailer

1 comment:

  1. I love your blogging as usual. Its been awhile. But I love your feisty-sassy attitude on life.
    All the best.xsydhiTalk soon.
