Down from the cool pines to the blistering hot as you know what valley. I know, I know, come winter I will be saying down from the freezing cold pines to the gorgeous spring like valley. In the last six months we have had only one person look at our house for sale, in the valley. The good news is, we will slowing keep emptying the house and if it does not sell, this winter we will have a place to call home down in the valley. After this winter, if nothing has happened, we are considering renting it until this economy turns around.
Pictures show what I have been about since Saturday. Actually, it is also what my husband has been doing with me. I'm liking him being retired. He is helping me with my business while he watches television. We both win. Smile. I don't care that he watches television and I get free labor. Great Deal! Now, if I could just get him to do the ironing!
We took my parents to supper last night. I had not seen them for two weeks. Like Kim of sweet sage vintage, my father was an Air Force man. There are many stories available to share which someday might just happen ( either while on the porch in the valley or the mountains ,but more importantly when I am not filling my life, with what ever it is that keeps me from writing them now! ) someday. Anyway, the Fourth of July is days away. I purposely posted the July Deliveries in different shades of red and blue. Though each of us U.S. citizens are Americans, we each have our own views as to what life is about, what is good for our country, our children, the world. Now, I wonder if every other person, in what ever country he or she calls homeland, also has these same differences? If so, seems to me, all these differences might mean we are alike in someway. J U S T A T H O U G H T
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