Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pictures and More Pictures

Finally, I make it back to Mystic Paper in downtown Mesa. Bonnie, on the left, I am in the center and my sister-in-law, Marija, all the way from Serbia, on the right. We are beezy celebrating my 61st birthday !
Here is our master Beeswax teacher, Mike Putman. He is not only a great teacher, but a great entertainer as well. Take a class from him at Mystic. You will not be sorry!
Below is Judy of My Artistic Side. It was so very fun to see her again. She was creating a piece for a collection of Annie Oakley items for future submission. She is already published in many places. Check out her blog. I will learn how to link someday. I was taught once but alass did not do it soon enough after soooooooo------ my mind is not what it used to be. I forget more easily these days. Sometimes that is a good thing but in this case it is not.
Below,we are showing our finished products. Well, almost. Bonnie plans to add personal pictures to hers later, at home. The featured picture on Miaja's and mine is a lovely favorite picture of my parents when they were young. I featured it in a much earlier post.

Bon is giving me my cherished birthday present. We are having lunch at Mango's in downtown Mesa. It is within walking distance of Mystic Paper. I should have taken a picture of the Horchata drink I tried. Oh my goodness. I am in love with that drink. I think bars should feature it with a shot of rum!
The cover of my birthday present from Bon shown below. This was in the clear bag you see in the above picture.
Bon and I have been friends for twenty years. The fun we have had together is unbelievable. She made this book for me Featured are pictures of many of the fun adventures and moments of friendship which make life blessed. She told me it was one of her favorite things she has ever made because of all the happy memories that flooded through her mind as she created it for me. No doubt about it. I smiled all the way through and will do so over and over again throughout the next twenty years of creating more memories. My daughter will be quite happy as well, with this gift. I had told her I thought I was ready to be a grandma instead of a GramCe. I was tired of coloring my hair. You should have seen the look on her face. She said,"Mom, I was just looking at pictures of you when Chandler was born, before you colored your hair. I was just going to tell you you look ten years younger now than you looked ten years ago." I think she was saying I look twenty years younger than when I did not color my hair. Well, the pictures in the birthday book tell all. For now, I will continue to pay the money and take the time to color my hair! Smile.
Thank you Bonnie, Mystic Paper, Mike, Judy, and Marija for a lovely day.

"Our"little group along with Mike showing off at the end of class.


Jennifer said...

Well you have been very beesy! What a fun day!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I want to play with beeswax at MP. Glad you had fun!

Sandy said...

Looks like a great time was had by all!

Judy said...

I am so glad you, Bonnie and Marija were in the class!! We did have fun!! It was good to see you again! Great blog! Great pictures! Great fun!!

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

Oh I wish we had a Mystic Paper around here! I love that project you guys did. How fun! And your book from your friend is just so, so sweet. A great project, for sure!

Have a wonderful day,

P.S. - keep coloring your hair - I plan on doing the same thing. Maybe I'll stop when I'm 80! LOl! LOL!