Friday, August 8, 2008

Timeline of a Perfect Day


6:30 Awake--alright, maybe if I had slept a little longer it would have been more perfect BUT I did not have to go to a clocked job---pretty perfect.

7:00- A little coffee, a breakfast bar, get dressed, smile at the fun ahead of me today,etc. etc.

8:00- Load car for the day. Smile at the fun ahead of me.

8:45- Drop off little surprise at work for my friend Bonnie. Sad that she is not playing with us. Saddest part of day. Bonnie cannot play.

9:10- Pick up sister-in-law, visiting from Belgrade, Serbia, at my parents house.

9:30- Meet Kim, of Sweet Sage Vintage at Starbucks. Hug, laugh, hug, laugh, pictures, laugh, coffees to go, more pictures.

10:20- Arrive at Chez Antiques at Tatum and Cactus in Scottsdale, AZ to see Kim's new venue. Look, laugh, pictures, look, laugh, pictures, look, laugh, pictures.As I knew it would be, darling, darling space. Found a vintage purse, a topper for a dress I have (in Kim's space- if you live in AZ visit her!) and a darling hat to go with the dress, topper and purse. More of laugh, pictures, and so on and so on.

12:30- Go across street to Outback for the Blue salad. What? Closed until 4:30? Head towards Keirland ( I know this is spelled wrong. Can't remember correct name of spelling ) Stopped at Kim's daughter's work. Never met her before. She is- shall we say gorgeous? Also, she is a skin specialist and I need to be telling you where the office is, as we all should be going there for treatments. Will get back to you about this info!

1:30- Arrive at Keirland Commons for lunch. North is the name of the restaurant. Fabulous food, service. Pictures, laugh, laugh, laugh. By now my battery is dead once again. Kim and Marija's are still working great, so what can I say? I want a new camera!!!!!!

3:30- Stop at Victoria's Secret- more laughs and laughs and pictures.

4:00- Head back to the east valley.

4:45- Back to Starbuck's to drop off Kim.

5:00- Gooing and Gooing over presents from Kim-Key chains made from vintage silverware and this fab, fab, fab, ceiling tin tile, along with a lace ribbon with a rhinestone in the center. Oh My Goodness Gracious Sakes Alive! Pictures, Laughter, Thank yous, Pictures

5:30- Run into QT for a pop!

6:00- Paper Doll dress up class at where or where? Yep, Mystic Paper. Fun, Pictures, Laughter!

8:40- Hello to Marissa, Mike Putman, and his partner CAT. I got to meet the CAT! Smiles, laughter.

8:50- Pizza slices next door to Mystic.

9:00- Look at vendor's wares outside Mystic.

9:30- Take Marija, sister in law back to parent's home.

10:00- Say hello to my parents, kisses, byes, call hubby, for second time to say, "Don't worry, I am on my way home!"

10:20- Home, shower, talk to husband, laugh about the day.

11:30- Start timeline of the perfect day but not the perfect post. Sister-in-law does not have Internet at parent's house. They are in their late eighties. I have a few pictures but honestly--don't have the energy tonight to download and post. Just waiting to get the ones Marija has and then I will post pictures.

11:50- Starting spell check and getting entry posted so this tired body can go to bed. Tomorrow will not be the times of today but while packing for Pinetop and cleaning up this house for sale I will definitely be laughing about all the fun memories made today. Pictures, Pictures, Pictures, yet to come.


  1. It was good to see you last night. Funny, how we're not used to seeing each other in person! The new do looks great!

    Have to go get packed for another class today. Energy?! I'm going to soooo blend into the couch tonight!


  2. Cece! Thanks for looking at my Flickr pics! The camera I use is a Nikon D40. Got a deal at Costco online. Took all of my stimulus check and a few bucks more, but worth it!!

    Don't have an email address for you. Get mine from the blog and send me your email!!

  3. That does sound like the perfect day. There's nothing better than a little friends, family, fun, photos and creating! Can't wait to see the pictures. Jennifer
