Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Grocery Store Fall In Middle Tennessee

The below pictures are straight from a plain ole TN grocery store. Did I really just say plain ole? Nothing plain about this display. I have been home to AZ for just a couple of days. I have been busting my fingers working on product for my business. I just could not stand it any longer. I had to post and let you know I am smelling the fall flowers. I plan to search for grocery store fall in AZ. I hope I find some. Back to work so I can play more. Taking an acrylic overlay painting class at Mystic Paper this evening with Sandy. We were in the first ever blogging class together. I am excited to be seeing some familiar faces and learn some unfamiliar things. Till later--Happy Fall, Y'all, as of September 21st.


  1. Wasn't that class fun! I haven't heard that much laughter from a class in a long time! So good to see you last night.

  2. Kim, I have never taken a class at Mystic Paper that was not full of laughter and fun! Good to see you, too. Now I need to see you again to buy that sheet of birdie paper!

  3. Thanks so much for taking my class. I forgot to bring your prize package of ephemera! If you e-mail me your address I'll send it to you.

  4. Grocery store Fall! That's exactly what I've been looking for. lol Welcome home, Cece. The flower shots are beeooootiful.

  5. CeCe I feel bad that I was using the wrong paper in class. I would like you to take the class again, on me. Plus I didn't explain things right as I was in bad back pain. Next time you are in town let Kim know sp we can set up a get together. Sandy
