Saturday, February 21, 2009

What's Up

Grandy and Chandler are off to the slopes this morning for a day of fun!
This means I will also have a day of fun because I am in my house all alone to play!
Our latest accomplishment - Mantle on fireplace is hung and secure.
Putting the final touches on this project was Randy's goal he reached yesterday.
One of my Friday projects was making these counting books for my dear friend Suzanne's upcoming two, not one, grandsons. Both are due any day now.
Covers of the Books- I am thinking about painting their names under the little birdies-
Ezra and Luke
Now, if all these little bunny heads don't make me smile there is just no hope for me!
Another Friday project. These will be going on the outside of darling gable boxes for April product. I will show you the finished product later, along with what the boxes will hold.

Now I am off to enjoy the rest of my "free to play" day! 
Hope yours is a happy one!

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