Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why Is it

Why is it I seem to have so many creative ideas all at once? Why can't they be spread out a little? Does this happen to you? I don't even want to sleep right now. I have skipped my nap two days in a row. When I skip my nap something is happening. Smile. All I want to do right now is be in my studio creating! There is not enough time in the day. What fun but I sure wish I could be more creative in making more time in my days and my nights. Below are some pictures of a couple of completed projects from the weekend. Also, our supper last night. My grandson, Chandler, and I made a homemade pizza.

Close up of snowman face on my apron I altered for the Mystic Paper project
I embellished with vintage doilies and chenille. I wanted the snowman to look like it was peaking out among the snow flakes. Guess I have been in snow too long!
The entire altered apron--guess I should have cropped my shoe and table leg out of the picture.
There is that shoe again. I altered a pair of jeans using  chenille , vintage doilies and pot holders. I used hand crocheted vintage trim on the bottom of the skirt. I embellished a top with a vintage doily to match the skirt. This project is for my dear friend Suzanne's sister-in-law. I have had her jeans for way too long now. I am not a procrastinator usually. I am so glad to finally get this done for her. Now I have to get it in the mail. Hopefully this will not take me months! 

I made this pot holder a pocket.
Close up of the beautiful vintage trim - I love old trim and embellishments as much as I love paper.
Close up of the cute pot holder I used on the back of the skirt


  1. Way cute apron CeCe! You're creative mojo is back! See you Saturday.

  2. So happy to see you are creating again! Not able to join you on Saturday, but will be with you in thought ...

  3. Paris Cowgirl, KIm,
    You will get to see the apron in person on Saturday.
    Sweet Sage, KIm,
    I so wish you could join us. Miss seeing you! CeCe

  4. Love my jeans skirt — can't wait to wear it. Thanks so much! Hope to talk with you soon.
