Friday, March 13, 2009

Fun Projects

Journal Cover for all the cute or naughty things the new boy in town , Ezra J. Scott will say as he grows to be a man. I printed his picture on muslin and used The Joy of a Little Boy saying by Crafty Secrets. I then sewed this on chenille and then pulled the threads on all the edges to create fringe. I then created a cover for a composition book to be used for the journal.

Below are  pictures of the story book I made for Suzanne's newest grandson, Ezra. It starts with the cover Once Upon A Time. The back cover ends with Happily Ever After. Each page has text for which the family will add pictures. Hopefully, some day Ezra will enjoy looking at the book of how things were when he was born.
Much of the book uses stamps, stickers, and product from Crafty Secrets. You can see all there products at craftysecrets I also used Tim Holtz's tickets. I made the book using four paper sacks. I used large tags in the pockets and also used vintage alphabet cards to spell EZRA, with one card in each sack. I also used printed twill tape and ribbon from my stash . All the other ribbons, paper, crafty secret items and the Tim Holtz tickets came from Mystic Paper in downtown Mesa, AZ. I also made one of these books for Suzanne's other soon to be here grandson, Luke. A few of the pages are different to go with Luke's family. He is lucky because he will have an older brother and sister to look after him as he grows. These were fun projects for me and I was so pleased to be using some of the many eye candy items I have been purchasing lately when in the valley!  I think since I want to personalize the journal for Luke's family I will wait until he is born to send the packages .I want both families to get them at the same time. Luke is due any day and they both live in the same town. I also want to get a picture of  Luke with his big brother, Noah, and his big sister, Shelby. I will use it on the cover so the parents can use the journal for all the fun things these precious children say.

Happy Weekend!

       Inside of Journal


  1. Oh my word! That is the most lovely little book. Just beautiful!

  2. Kim and Sandy,
    Glad you like my creations. I just love the paper bag book making! It is also very fun to be able to share our projects through this blogging venue. Every time I see Mike Putman I want to hug him for our class!

  3. The album is awesome! What a wonderful gift!
