Thursday, March 5, 2009

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Chandler lies asleep upstairs. It is not our normal day to have him. He usually stays with us on Mondays and Wednesdays during the week. We have him on the weekends some. Thursdays he is usually with his Mommy Amber. She was not feeling well and asked if we could have him. It seemed odd to see a call from her. For the last few months these have been far and in-between. We have only been speaking if absolutely necessary. The necessary part usually involved arrangements for Chandler. Chandler is spending the weekend with us also. His best  friend is coming home from school with him tomorrow night and staying over. I am grateful he has a best friend.
I emailed some of my dear friends of this latest development with my only child. Each response was interesting in that each depicted it's owner's unique personality. It is nice to have such variety in the world. It is nice to have such friends.
Chicken Noodle Soup--I dropped off homemade chicken noodle soup to Amber. 
Seems a little funny to me that soup is a way of telling someone I care. She has always loved my homemade chicken noodle soup. I hope the cancer hates it.

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