Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Top Of The Morning To You

Randy left about one yesterday for the golf course. He picked Chandler up after school and took him to the golf course to practice. Chandler actually chipped a ball in with one try. He had good luck a day early. We celebrated his " hole in one" ,as he calls, it with a toast at supper. Anyway, this outing meant I had the house all to myself for six hours yesterday. Lovely, just lovely. I took a nap on my love seat in my studio that just got placed there this weekend  After my nap and a cup of tea I started working on a computer bag for my laptop using vintage fabric and embellishments. Why is it when one is in pain and unhappy that time tends to stay still and when one is creating time evaporates? At six ten the boys arrived home and I was still upstairs sewing. Oops---had not started the fried chicken for supper. Randy helped me while Chandler proceeded to make a Saint Patrick's day hat out of construction paper. He is wearing green EVERYTHING, right down to underwear tomorrow. Each class is having a contest for the person wearing the most green. I cannot imagine that he will not win. I am even die cutting a green shamrock for him to put through his earring. ( yes, he has an earring and I hate it! -- I am just too old.) 
  I will be cooking the traditional corned beef and cabbage along with Irish Soda Bread for supper tonight. During the day though I will be working on my computer bag. Can't wait to show you pictures of it.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

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