Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I finished reading from cover to cover the latest edition of Artful Blogging. It is the first edition that nothing was said to irritate me ! It was full of suggestions about blogging and each person's own journey in the blogging world. Thoroughly enjoyed the read. It isn't that I did not enjoy the earlier issues , it is just most of them seemed to be only about the fluff.  In my opinion, there also seemed to be some criticism of being real.  Life is art. Each person's journey is art. Sometimes it is filled with beauty and sometimes the beauty is hard to recognize amidst the chaos. Sort of like the Coat Of Many Colors. At times all the scraps of life, in and of themselves, don't look like much of anything. Weave them all together and viola, a piece of art. 
I didn't mean to get off on a philosophical subject but it is what I often do.  Anywho, as my blogging mentor, Jack and Cat Curio would say, today I am taking a piece of advice from Artful Blogging . I am sharing with you something different, for me. Cooking has always been a big part of my life. Each year, in my Christmas letter, I usually share with my recipients what I call the Recipe of the Year.  It is a recipe that my family has particularly enjoyed over the course of the last 12 months. The following recipe has not been featured before but could have easily chosen. As is shown in the picture above, I made two of these for the shower of the couple I featured on my last post. I must tell you, Cheese Cake is much like Pizza to me. I have never really had one I do not like. For some people though it is a very personal thing! This Cheese Cake is more of the New York Style. A former teacher friend , Diane Kerr, made it for me one year as a Christmas present. It has been on our family favorite list ever since. I hope it brings your tongue as much pleasure as it does mine!


Graham Cracker Crust: Combine 1/4 cup sugar, 11/2 cups graham cracker crumbs, 
                                      and 1/3 cup melted butter. Mix ingredients thoroughly and pat                                       in the bottom of spring form pan. ( Or use your favorite                                                   graham cracker or other cracker crust )

16        oz.     Ricotta cheese
11/2    cups   sugar
4                    eggs,  slightly beaten
1/3      cup     cornstarch
2         Tbsp.  flavoring of your choice ( I used lime juice )
1         tsp.     of vanilla
1/2      cup     butter
1         pint     sour cream

Beat cream cheese and Ricotta on high until well blended and creamy. Blend in sugar, then eggs. Reduce speed to low. Add cornstarch and flavorings. Add melted butter and sour cream. Blend using low speed on mixer. Pour into pan. Bake at 350 degrees about 1 hour and 10 minutes or until firm around the edges. Turn off oven. Let cake stand in oven 2 hours. Remove and cool completely on wire rack. Chill. May be frozen. ( Sometimes I make this before going to bed. I set my oven cook time so the oven will go off and then I just leave it in the oven until I get up in the morning. I then transfer it to the refrigerator.

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