Saturday, July 4, 2009


Second in Series of Vocabulary Words

! !     It Is The Fourth Of July     ! !

Enjoy your day!

We got a new king sized bed delivered yesterday. Hubby no longer has to sleep on the floor when we are in the valley. I can't tell you how much better our bedroom looks. The next time we are in the valley we are going to buy a large new refrigerator. We are tired of not having our house down here feel like a home when we are here. This whole selling the house thing has become as bizarre as our life this past year. Just a couple of months ago I was staying down here to pack up everything I could so we could get out in two weeks time. Now, we are on moving furniture back in , and keeping it for a few years, if it does not sell this summer. We will move everything out of the storage shed so we do not have that payment. Of course that is what we are saying today. Come a week from now, who knows?

Anyway, we joked with my dad yesterday  that the house would probably sell since we had bought a mattress and we told my dad he could store my mom's mint condition '87 Volvo in our garage. He only has a two car garage and he owns three cars!  One of these cars is that wonderful, sporty, cute ,historic red MG. I have shown you a picture of it in an earlier post. Anyway, guess what---

Came in the house last night, after taking dad out for wings and Randy got on his computer. We have a lease purchase offer on the house.
Are you ready?
They just LOVE our house and would CHERISH it
BUT their definition of love
is leasing it at $2100 a month for three and a half years before it closes.
They will pay down $30,0000
and pay us $500,000. for the house.

May I say, with great candor, they can go jump in a lake!
It can be a good old American Lake and it is the Fourth of July
so I am sure they will have a lot of company!

And with that piece of candor I will go make out some all American hamburger patties!

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