Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Now here is a word I have never heard before. This morning as I was looking for the next word to post, I accidentally read injured instead of inured. I looked through all the definitions I had captured and nothing fit with injured. I then went back to look at the word again and discovered my mistake. INURED NOT INJURED-------I would have thought a word like inured meant looking deep inside oneself----

Well, here is the latest with us in regards to this journey we are on:
1. Another email from the real estate lady which forwarded something she had received from the person that made the ridiculous offer on our house. He is working on ??? not sure what--- getting a $100,000. and ????. In the email he mentioned then the sellers would be completely out of it. All we would have to agree on then was the price. Well, the price is going to be the hard one, if they really do make another offer. Funny, us human beings. Now that we decided to just keep the house for a few more years I am not even excited about hearing the offer. 

2. Yesterday, late afternoon, Amber texted Maria telling her to tell us she would sign over temporary custody of Chandler for the money. We assume she means the rest of the $2,500. she was going to get ( before she trashed the house and Maria had her evicted ) after she vacated the house. 
Her pretrial hearing for the felony and one of the misdemeanors is still scheduled for tomorrow at 2:00.
The attorney just called and left a message for us. He told us to call him. He had finally talked to Karen at Child Protective Services and he wanted to chat with us about her advice. Randy wants to talk to him about the custody thing with the money involved. Randy is taking a nap right now so I will have him call when he gets up.
I called Ria just now to find out if she had heard any more from Amber. Ria said Amber texted her about eleven, asking her if she had talked to us. Ria told her yes and she should call us. Ria also said Amber indicated she is planning to get in a two bedroom apartment with a friend and the friend's boyfriend. She said Amber said Chandler could just stay with her in her room. She told Ria she had been sleeping from couch to couch. 
Amber has not tried to contact us, as of yet.
We will see what the attorney says.

One would think we would have become inured to the goings on involving Amber but unfortunately that is not the case. 

Evening Update:
1. Appointment with Karen, Child Protective Services tomorrow morning at 11:00.
2. We talked to the attorney and he said not to touch the exchange of money with Amber regarding the custody thing---said legally it resembles slave trade and is NO! No! No! in the court system.
3. One would think I would have become inured to the feelings I am having but unfortunately that is not the case.

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