Friday, August 14, 2009

Beach Friday

Just spent about three hours this morning at the beach. I awoke at six and stayed up. I quickly gathered a cup of coffee, quilt, some cheese it crackers, a new book and off I headed. I had most of the beach to myself. It was lovely. I needed the walk and I needed the ocean. Have not had enough beach time and it was a lovely time.

Yesterday we stayed home and played on the computer. Both Scottye and Suzanne are writers or rather should be so I spent the day getting them set up with blogs ---- Not wonderfully designed ones,but blogs none the less. I am hoping to be the encouraging factor which releases all they have to say to the world. You can read Scottye's first post here. If you like it would you please leave her a comment?  I know how pleasing it is to receive comments. Once Suzanne posts I will link to her as well. We have a little more work to do on her site today.

I am now on the porch with my second cup of coffee. Suzanne was heading out to the beach as I came home. Scottye is still in bed or her room enjoying some quiet time. Today we plan to buy a memory stick so we can get our pictures of the trip printed and complete our beach books we have been creating. 

Chandler is doing well so far in school and Randy has been working on finishing the trim on our deck. He told me it rained almost all day yesterday in Pinetop and it was actually 50 degrees at one point! Yikes, unreal to me.

I do hope each of you has a sense of the ocean air and the sand between your toes, if it is only in your imagination. I know of nothing more healing. Kind Hugs, CeCe

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