Sunday, August 2, 2009

Quick Sunday Catch Up

My Ruby birthstone in a vintage setting and cute little cherry appliques on the painted metal tray that the shop was using as a magnet board.
One of my collars placed upon a lamp shade. LOVE it!
One of two hand crocheted vintage collars with the entry tag into the state fair=see the 1929!!!!!
Birthday package set up at my table setting for class. The gloves were one set of two. The other set Bonnie has as they belonged to twin little girls.
Bonnie, Debra, Me, and Carol Wingert at class on Friday
We are standing in front of a wonderful ribbon holder Bonnie's husband made for me. It hangs on the backside of a door. I will hopefully show you better pictures of this later.

Much to tell---
Alas----too tired to tell it---
Wrote on the airplane and was going to copy and paste----
Forgot to save the document so it does not exist-----
Interesting flight----
One of those where I sat down right where I needed to sit---
Connected with two lovely ladies, mother and daughter---- 
Recent tragedy in their lives----
We shared stories----

I will cut to the jest of my earlier writing---
Amber took Maria's car last Thursday and has not been heard from since---
Could write a lot more about this one-------later-later-later-
Maria had to borrow my jeep left in Pinetop in order to meet Randy, in Payson, today with Chandler. 
Chandler's top braces come off tomorrow.

Tomorrow Suzanne and I are doing part of the 100 mile yard sale. 
Tuesday we head to Florida.
Not sure about posting. 
Already ticked at myself for not bringing my Nikon camera.
Have tiny camera in hand but am used to my Nikon even though I have learned nothing but point and shoot with it on automatic. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh--

Alright, going to bed. Posting today some pictures of my birthday presents and celebration.
I failed to get a picture at breakfast. My dear friend, Janice, joined us and she gave me fabulous gift certificates for Reflexology massages. My husband and I used a couple of them at the end of the day. If you have not gone to have this type of massage, give yourself a treat. Yum--you keep all of your clothes on and it is truly a treat.

 Hope you all are --- well, whatever it is you hope to be at the moment.

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