Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Monday

I slept better last night because I took a sleeping pill.
I am thinking about getting an alarm system for this cottage. There is one in the valley home and it helps me rest easy at night. When Amber was a teenager and on the streets running around keeping unsavory company I was always a little afraid. I did not think she would harm us but I was afraid someone she came in contact with or--- well--you can figure out the rest. Consequently I am uncomfortable. I think the alarm system would help relieve my mind at night.

Yesterday I spent two hours playing around in Photo Shop Elements. It was the first time I had done anything with it at all. I read a little magazine about it to familiarize myself somewhat and then I closed my Mac and opened up windows operating system. I had purchased tutorials and was going to begin my lessons. My tech guy ( husband) is not here and I was not able to open the downloaded files. Boo. I have figured out though that I love my iPhoto program on my Mac so much that I am going to purchase Photoshop Elements and the tutorials for my Mac. I am pretty excited about the upcoming possibilities of what can be done with photos and creating layouts. I have never done any digital scrapbooking and while I don't actually create 12x12 layouts I like to make little books and I certainly could use it in my business of creating packaging products.

My other time filler yesterday was working on a Christmas project/cards. I started this progect for my cards for last year and in October when we got the wind knocked out of our sails the project stayed put. I "made it over" for this year but I must say, it is much more time consuming than I had thought it would be. I am determined to get it done this year and out the door. I want that tin tub I showed you to be getting smaller in the next year!

I saw on the weather that it is going to get quite chilly up here on Wednesday. I think the highs are going to be in the 30's. We go down to the valley on Thursday after school. I am hoping it does not snow up here!!!

Saturday night I stayed up finishing the Anita Shreve novel, Light On Snow. It was very good. I just started her latest novel out only in hardback right now, A Change In Altitude.

That's about it. I am working on that Christmas project today along with correcting something on a packaging project to go to production. I am picking up Chandler from school this afternoon to take him to the dentist for a teeth cleaning appointment.

I hope you all have the nicest Monday possible.

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