Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday's Truth or Consequences

This vintage wash tin in my studio holds more unfinished projects than I care to count--
But-count them I did last night. Ridiculous, just ridiculous. What has happened to me over the years? I always, and I mean always finished something if I started it or I got rid of it right away.
Now, another truth, this same tin a few weeks ago held just as many bags of card kits that I had assembled. I would take a class, buy extra materials to make more, assemble all the supplies to make the cards and store them in zip lock bags. Tidy, neat, just sitting, and sitting and sitting. When my dear friend Suzanne came to visit I sent them all home with her. She had to leave her summer clothes at my house in order to not go over the airline suit case weight limit. She also had to leave some other craft things I was bequeathing. I am not sure if it is just that I like being with my friends and other people in a class and I really don't give a hoot about the project or what---- I love the things I sign up to make. Why don't I take the time and effort to complete them? Busy? Well, yes, we are all busy. I absolutely know though we find a way to do the things we truly want to do. Guess finishing the books is down on my list. I must either start giving them away or I must start finishing them and that is the truth!
After I counted the number of unfinished items ( I am not revealing how many ! ) I got busy and completed the page in the Fall book of which I spoke about in an earlier post. Isn't this darling? It was done on a piece of canvas with a mask and glimmer mist. The part I completed last night is the beading. The beading is what makes the page so special.
These are two of my other favorite pictures in the book.
Yahoo! A finished product. Maybe I will even add some pictures and journaling in the next couple of months.
And last but not least my finished lamp shade. This shade will be going on an Alabaster lamp which was purchased when I was in Warrenton Texas at the big antique bash. The shade was inspired by Carol Wingert's shade she made for creative escape. You can visit Carol here. She puts together amazing kits to sell and gives absolutely awesome directions. Alright, back to the shade. Carol used all buttons on her shad and while I loved it I also loved some of the original covering on this vintage shade that was falling apart. There was very little of it left so this is what developed. I took vintage Damask napkins and tore them into pieces. I looped them around the top of the shade base. I attached a button to the bottom of each piece and then strung buttons down to the bottom of the structure. On the metal pieces coming down to make the base I strung buttons all the way down those pieces. See the gimp on the bottom. It is original. I wanted to save it as well. The last step was to sew the rhinestone buttons around the top on the pieces of napkins and tying in pieces of the torn original shade. I don't have the lamp up here. It is in the valley and I am looking forward to seeing it on the lamp with light shining through. The truth is I am very happy with the consequences of starting a project yesterday and completing it on the same day!

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