Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday's Truth or Consequences

I missed Wordless Wednesday yesterday. Had I have not missed it you would have seen the above photo. Although since I just took it, how could that be? Well, I guess I am trying to say on Wordless Wednesday much of the things in the picture were taking place in my life. I could just post a picture of a paint can and brush almost every day of the week and it would be appropriate for what is going on in my life.

I am too goal oriented. My husband tries to remind me when this goal is met there will just be another one waiting. I truly do know this but it is so hard for me to do anything about it. I want to see the finished product. --- One of the reasons I am so amazed I showed you the tub full of unfinished paper products--- still amazes me that they are sitting there--- NOT finished.

Anyway, yesterday I took my dad to breakfast. We decided that was a better time for us to share a meal as he wants to watch sports at night and I want to stay in my jammies and paint!
Lucky for me, he paid for both of us. Hummmm---I have some entertainment money. My brain steers the car to Costco on the way home. I purchased $60. worth of audio books and a paperback book that has been recommended to me ( The Poisonwood Bible -- anybody read it? ) After Costco, I headed to the printers to drop off some real work--the paying kind which allows me to purchase books and paper products. I had to pass right by Barnes and Noble. Being a member that gets 10% off ( I am still debating whether this is a good thing for me or not since I am not sure I actually spend $250. there each year, what with Sam's Club and Costco available to me--- yes, I have a membership to both )I had to stop and look for more of the remaining Anita Shreve novels I have not read. Got out of there just spending $40. You count it up. $100. for books ---- Even if I had paid for my breakfast and my dad's it would not have come to $100.
Yesterday I listened to eight hours of a book. I only have two disks left on that one, which is a long book. At this rate I will be going back to buy more in a couple of days! When I finish painting each night, late, I reward myself by reading a paper book in bed. Wondering if I should just be paying someone to paint. Never mind-- know it is way cheaper to buy the books. I included my ipod in the picture because I have books on it. Trouble is, it is dead-not charged. Have not used it in months so did not even think about it being dead. Listening to books makes painting much more fun. Like listening to books makes driving much easier. Remember me telling you my husband does not have the stamina I have when it comes to projects? This is really saying he is not obsessed. He is the one that caused the purchases yesterday in the way of books on CD. When I called him night before last to see how Pinetop was going I asked what he was doing-- He was listening to the rest of a book while he watched the Suns Game on television. He had the game silent. We had both forgotten our computers would play the disks. ------ Now, you see the picture----- I listen while working-----he listens while watching television------ I think it is a guy thing----- at least that is what I have been told-----

He will fix my drip mistakes though. I guess there is a lesson here--- sort of like the You get a better job if you are a college graduate lesson. He is a better painter than I am. He gets to be the supervisor. Bless his heart. As I said in my last post, he seldom, in our marriage, has gotten to be the supervisor with our household endeavors. He is past due-----and so with that truth spoken, I will go to my consequence. I will open that paint can, pick up that paint brush and paint. Oh Yes, first I will put the disk in my computer!

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