I have noticed I have posted recently two days at a time. This has not been a planned occurrence so don't get too very used to the consistency. Wink- I am liking that wink thing. On a comment I got once from Dede Warren that included a wink. Loved it. You can visit this lovely lady by clicking here. Alright, back on track.
Yesterday afternoon we all went to the movies. While Randy and Chandler watched Avatar I watched Blindside. The guys had gone to see Blindside without me while I was in the valley. I was a little upset with myself for not remembering long ago I promised myself I would always have Kleenex with me when going to the movies---just in case those tears started streaming. Yep, tears----
Worth the messed up makeup----
Asked Randy and Chandler which movie they liked better. Randy told me they were completely different types of movies. I rephrased my question. If you could only see one movie which one would you pick. Blindside was the answer. Chandler especially liked it. In fact, he wanted Randy to give up Avatar and see Blindside with me again. We talked him into waiting until it is out to rent and we will all watch it together again. I was happy to hear how much he liked it and if and when you see it I think you will understand my pleasure in his comments.
Today I awoke feeling "special good." Special Good is my newest way to express feeling the sort of happy when most things feel right in your heart. My dear husband said it was because I knew he and Chandler were going to the ski slopes today and I would have the house all to myself. I guess he was partly right. I love days when I have no responsibilities to anyone and can stay in jammies all day long and choose to do whatever my heart desires. But more than that, today both Chandler and Randy seemed "special good" also. Everything was in sync. I cooked a big breakfast. Chandler said he wanted sausage, bacon, biscuits and scrambled eggs --- NOT requested very often ---- cereal, pop tart ( I had never even bought pop tarts before Mr. Chandler was around !) or some other simple item is the usual request for breakfast. After breakfast and the guys were about to leave I had Chandler make sure I knew how to set up what you will see in the picture below.
Wii Fit
For Christmas Randy and I bought a Wii so Chandler would have the gaming system at our house and we would have Wii Fit to help us get , well, more fit.
Randy set it up yesterday and the program began. I must say, I had been told it was fun. I thought to myself, it is an exercise program--Fun????
Fun!!!!!! We all got into it and are now competing to get the best scores. We are starting off slowly and not overdoing but so far it is indeed fun.
The Look of a Competitor
And yes, I am in my jammies. Chandler had me back up there, in his room, last night.
He wanted to get some of my footwork. Truth is he took about 15 pictures and was making me unable to concentrate to get a better score! After doing the footwork balance routine again several times this morning though, he will arrive home to find me in first place! Smile.
My guys, on the porch, right before heading out for the slopes.
This is what I plan to do after posting.I am cutting out items for one of my packaging products. What a fun way to earn my spending money. I am so grateful to work with wonderful customers whom have also become friends. I have been reminded this week I am in control of my business and I am at a point in my life when I am fortunate enough to make sure what I am doing is bringing me joy. Thank you, husband of mine, for this reminder.
Earlier today I spent a lot of time on the phone catching up with Kay, a dear, dear, relative who lost her husband, Mickey, my cousin, a little over a year ago. She does not have a computer and when she mentioned getting one I encouraged her to do so. I told her there is a whole world of fun waiting for her. When we talked I was also reminded while I love having my jammy days and the house to myself when the boys are gone, I am comfortable in the knowledge that at the end of the day they will be walking back through that door.
I am
Hope you are too!
Such a happy post! Your joy was bubbling through every word and has given me my own smile and happy feeling, thanks!
ReplyDeleteOh how I feel your joy CeCe! Your words are oozing with enthusiasm! I pray you feel this every day!