Thursday, January 21, 2010

January Twentyfirst Snow Report from Pinetop

Remember the cleared porch and walkway to the cars?
There are just two pictures today because----
we did not go outside.
I am also posting this as quickly as I can as we were without power today from seven this morning until about an hour ago. I do not do well without electricity, at night. I need light to be able to do things! It came on just in time. Our central heat and air is still not working ,but we have been nice and warm, thanks to our Wood Burning Stove.
If you look closely, you can just see the top of my angel's head sitting on the wishing well. I imagine tomorrow she will be completely gone.


  1. WOW!! It looks so cold!! But so beautiful!

  2. Sweet little snow angel~
    She's beautiful.
    LoVinG your updates.

  3. I have really been enjoying your snow photos. It's been wonderful to be able to experience the beauty of the snow without having to deal with the cold and inconveniences that usually come with heavy snow.
