Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Turkey Trot

Can You See It?

I can't.

When I awoke from a nap, my husband told me he wished I had been awake, as two wild turkeys had walked right past our house and across the road. He said by the time he thought to get the camera and get outside to take a picture, for me, they were far away. He took a picture anyway. Shucks, people keep telling me wild life abounds up here but as of yet, all I have seen is squirrels and birds, both of which I love to watch, but turkeys would have been fun to see. Maybe next time.
Notice the trees though -- the sun has been shining and the snow is almost gone from the trees.

We are learning about living in these winter snow conditions. Did I tell you the roof collapsed on the fire station near our house? The only time we have been to town, along the way, we noticed two different sets of people getting snow off their porch roofs, which were not very pitched. Ahaaaaaa--- we thought. Got the name of some roof snow removers, off a sign along the road,and called them. Late yesterday afternoon, they cleared the porch roof. We had a couple of cracked beams. Yikes! Randy wasn't too upset about it as we will need to replace the roof, at some point, and he said we would just get them fixed then.

And, today, for the first time, got the email from my favorite airline--
showing their new service, beginning in May to---
Panama City Beach, Florida
Ta Da!!!!

This is on the Pan Handle ( think that is what it is called ) and this beach is right next door to Destin, the place I went with my girlfriends back in August. Before, if we were not driving, we would have to fly into Mobile, Alabama and rent a car or drive from Nashville, TN when visiting friends. We have even talked about buying a condo in Destin, where our friends, Scottye and Jerry, own a place. Of course, that is just a thought at this point. My dream place has always been the beach. Love those ocean waves. I think the airport will be very good for property values. I am hoping things do not go really high again before I can get my honey down there to take a look.
You might remember pictures of an adorable cottage, in Brentwood, TN, I featured in a much earlier post. Well, it was the Crooks, Scottye and Jerry's. The condo in Destin is also theirs. The pictures I posted of me at the beach back in August were taken in Destin. In the midst of all this snow I am beach dreaming.

I am heading down to the valley tomorrow. We are due for some more " weather" so I am hoping it does not come before I get out of here.
Now, if this isn't just the funniest thing. Here I am, up in the mountains, and as usual, I don't want to leave.
The same thing happens when I am in the valley and it is time to head back up here,
I don't want to leave.
I am looking forward to catching up with some valley friends, amidst completing and getting ready for delivery, my February packaging products.
It will be a fun time and I imagine I will take a trip or two to Target!!!!

Hope everything is on target for you having a lovely rest of the week.
Till next time---

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