Thursday, February 4, 2010

Seriously This Has To Stop

I must stop this. I am still sitting in my bed where I have been since I last posted. The good news is I am getting better. So much better that I made coffee today and have just had a cup. I have not been sleeping well. To sleep late and early to rise does not make a girl ( old lady ) healthy, wealthy, and wise! I already need a nap--the reasons:

1. Never sleep well without someone else in house with me- I miss my honey--
alarm system definitely helps but does not take away, totally, that uneasy feeling

2.Being sick but not so sick that I could not be on this computer. Have I ever told you I tend to be obsessive? Think I mentioned once that I like the word focused better--

Yesterday I had an email from two peas in a bucket. I went to there web site, which you can do by clicking here. I found a free Digi 101 class for digital scrapbooking that is taking place all year, one lesson a month. I spent all day on the January lesson. I did not even check my emails until late in the evening!!!! Unheard of for me. Anyway, if I was not so determined to learn something---let's rephrase that---a lot---I would have definitely quit a long time ago. ( Maybe I would have gotten better sooner? No, just kidding ! ) Learning Photoshop Elements is not an easy task. But--discovering some icons are not showing up along the tool bar on my computer makes the task much more difficult. In both tutorials I have used they both kept referring to the Color Picker--
WHERE IN THE HECK IS THE COLOR PICKER?-- my mind kept screaming. Accidentally, and I do mean accidentally, near the end of the third day of this learning experience, I discovered the icon was at the bottom of the list, hidden from view on my computer screen. I wanted to jump for joy and beat up my computer screen all at the same time! Smile.
Another problem I have had is I am working in Photoshop Elements 8 and everything is not exactly the same as the versions of Photoshop the instructors are using.
Below is the layout I completed for the January lesson.

Once I completed this ( after finding the color picker--hooray! )
I started reading some hints in the forum on the two peas website. I discovered lots and lots of people were reccomending tutorials by Jessica Sprague. You can visit her here.I decided to take a look. She offers several different options, including photo editing and hybrid scrapping. She also offers two free mini lessons before you commit to purchasing a class --
that is next on my list to try.
I am sharing all of this to let any of you interested in learning PSE in on what I am learning during this process. I will keep you posted on what I think of Jessica's teachings.
Since I was once a teacher, I can be very critical of lessons presented-
Let's face it, I can be very critical regardless of my background in the education field.
When teaching someone completely new to PSE, I have found, in general,
the teachers are leaving out steps. When someone is proficient at a task, it is very easy to leave out some steps that are simple but -shall I say it? Yes-CRITICAL!

While I was working on all of this digital stuff, I received an invitation which was made using paper, glue, embellishments and getting your hands all sticky and feeling the wonderful textures as you design. When I saw this creation I about jumped out of my skin. It is so stink-in cute!
I will be taking a picture to share, but I do not want to post it until I am sure it has arrived to everyone who will be receiving it via the U.S. Postal service. I don't want to spoil the joy, for someone, of opening it in person.

And now, my dears, it is critical for me to close, get out of this bed, and shut down this computer for a bit.

Oh-one more thing-hop on over to Sweet Sage Vintage-here-to see the most lovely photograph in her latest post. I think I need lessons from her!

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