Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Spring Time in the Valley

Spring Time in Pinetop

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It Is A Girl

It is 90% sure it is a girl!

Vases made by Debra, Megan's sister-in-law-
She makes the most adorable things using the cricket machine. Do you see the rhinestones adorning the dress?

A Cutie Pie is on the way!

The Setting was at The Morning Glory Cafe 

Friends and Family came from near and far to celebrate.
Rachel, Magan, the new mom to be, Monica and sorry-don't know the last friend's name. 
Have to tell you Monica's gift to Megan was one of her own adorable things from when she was a little girl.

Sarah, with her three month old daughter came from San Diego.

Just had to show you Rachel's adorable head band up close and personal!

Megan, Up close and personal!

Mason, Megan's nephew helped her with the gifts. It is so funny how kids like to unwrap presents and be in their midst even though the presents are for someone else. I think, actually, Mason might have had the very most fun at this gala event.

There was food, of course--

And lots and lots of cute wrapping and presents-
I am showing you some of my favorites- Inside this bag was the handmade cards below---Oh so cute. I could have just screamed for joy and they weren't for me. Guess I have a little of Mason fever!

These adorable personalized hats were made by Debra's mom Pat-
and yes, she makes items to sell-

Baby Girl's First Barbie

This onesie cracked me up!

My wrapping for my presents- 
Remember my visit to Mystic Paper?
Had to get some supplies with which to adorn my bags-
The bags were filled with Woof and Poof ( one of my favorite brands--- remember all my Santa's? ) for a little girl. I forgot to take pictures-

And the Favors--
Oh so cute and tasty too.
I stood over the sink and ate my cupcake as soon as I arrived home.

Baby food jars filled with Jelly beans

Loved the display and the cones filled with popcorn.
And all things must come to an end so the party is over

Monday, March 29, 2010

For The Last Two Weeks

Valley Time

I don't have a picture of my dad, rehab facility, Doctor's offices, grocery store, restaurants or Costco. Part of valley time was devoted to getting him out of rehab, going to Doctor's, grocery shopping for him, dinners, charging his car battery, etc. etc. etc. BUT he tells me I am self centered ( and I know I am -- he taught this well! ) and he does not understand why it takes three adults to raise a 12 year old-

We should be living in the valley taking care of him-
One of the reasons I have not posted in the past couple of weeks-
Many upsetting incidents-
There is more but I am going to move on ---

Painting of Kitchen Cabinets and Laundry Room Cabinets

Bottom Doors of Kitchen Cabinets

A Few of the Kitchen Doors after being made Shabby

The Mess of Kitchen Cabinets!

A break to visit Jennifer at Mystic Paper

Spring Clothes Shopping for Mr. Chandler Hayden

And Now a T-E-A-S-E-

Remember the Shower invitation I mentioned receiving in an earlier post? I did not want to publish the picture of it for fear of ruining the surprise of some invitees getting it in the mail? Well, the party was while I was in the valley so now I can show all! Smile. The invitation is below and in my next post I will show you some of the pictures from this spectacular event.

Front of Invitation

Back of Invitation

Chandler's spring break is over and he and I are back in Pinetop now. Randy is still on valley duty continuing the painting, painting, painting. I am happy to be up here, with my fire in the fireplace and taking time to blog!

More Soon!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Love This Saying

Found this on the blog Design Crush. You can visit it here.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

An Irish Struggle

Neill- An Irish Name
My dad is old and he is stubborn and struggling-
My dad was middle aged once and he was stubborn- stuggling then????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
My dad was young once and he was stubborn-Struggling then??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 
I am struggling -
Wonder where I got it from?
A Stubborn Old Irishman would be my guess!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Off Kilter

Pretty Much What Life Has Been Like This Week!
Hope your cabinets are all hanging straight!

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Weekend of Firsts

I saw this magazine on another blog and immediately went in search of it. Walmart, Home Depot and finally, on a fluke, Walgreens. My husband had to pick up prescriptions. I checked the magazine rack, never thinking I would find it at Walgreens. A smile of amazement came across my face as I lifted it from the rack. I haven't taken time to puruse it yet.

I didn't get a picture of the huge hunk of ice on top of our central heat and air unit. Randy got it off before he told me what had happened. The fan is history and the unit not working. We have the installer coming out this afternoon to give us the verdict-- repairable or new unit needed?? Now Randy is planning to build some type of protection for the unit for next winter. 

Chandler's first chess tournament. We knew it started at nine. What we did not know was we would still be there at five in the afternoon. Most of the time was spent waiting on the next match to start. There were five matches and lots of time in-between each match. He did not win a trophy but he had a good time. Nice
to have have him enjoying something other than x-box live!
He wants to participate in another tounament that is taking place in the valley this coming weekend. I will take my computer or a book!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Pound of This and a Pound of That

I decided I should post the Pound Cake recipes as I try them. That way, if you so desire, you can have your own contest, with your family. I would still love to receive your favorite family pound cake recipe, if you have one!
So far, my boys say they cannot tell the difference.
So far, my favorite is the first one I made using cream cheese.

March Pound Cake

33 cups sugar
2 sticks butter
1/2 cup shortening
6 eggs
1 Tablespoon vanilla flavoring
3 cups flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 cup buttermilk

Cream butter, shortening and sugar until very fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well. Add vanilla flavoring. Add baking soda to flour and then alternately add flour mixture and buttermilk to sugar mixture, using lowest setting on mixer. Stir just till well blended.
Place mixture in tube pan and bake at 350 degrees for 1hour 20 minutes to 1hour 30 minutes. Test with a skewer. Skewer should come out clean when inserted in middle of cake.

Toasted Pound Cake

Chandler's very favorite food at the moment. He told me I would be trying out LOTS of Pound Cake recipes, with him around. The above cake is two days old and is 3/4 gone. He likes it fresh out of the oven. Yesterday I finally taught him how to slice it, place on cookie sheet, put a couple of pats of butter ( real butter ) on the slice. Turn the oven broiler on, slide the cookie sheet in on top shelf and closely watch. Let me emphasize the closely part!

IFebruary Pound Cake
I had failed to post this-

Same as above but with the following changes.
5 eggs,
1/2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. baking powder added to flour, in addition to the 1/2 tsp. baking soda.
1cup sour cream substituted for the milk
1/4 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice

Yesterday I spent a good deal of time writing this post. We have been experiencing difficulty with losing our internet connection. It happened again and somehow my entire post had not been saved. The pictures were the only thing saved. :(   :(   :(  

I decided it might be a good thing. The writing helped me feel better. I had, along with Randy, had a very difficult week last week.

Same ole
Same ole
Same ole
Same ole
Same ole

No one knows anything but him-
Dr. will not tell him how to live his life-
Questions me about it taking 3 adults to raise one 12 year old-

Why wasn't I in the valley? Randy told him ( after Randy taking care of him for over 2 weeks and leaving him in rehab center with every one of his needs being met except for having someone to call to bring him a different type of shaving cream ,if he wanted it ) I was coming to the valley when Randy came back to Pinetop----NOT what Randy told him. Randy told him I would be down in a week and a half in time for his Orthopedic Dr. appointment for evalueation and both Randy and I would be in the valley for a week while Chandler has spring break-
Ugliness, Ugliness, Ugliness-

My husband told me we have got to look at it in a comical way.
Much of what my dad says is absurd and we need to just laugh at it-
Easier said than done when WE are always the ones having to deal with him-
Am going to put a pound of armor back on though and
take my husband's pound of good sense.
We have just got to do the best we can do and let the pounds of whatever it is he wants from us that he does not get just roll off our backs-
So far that has been as hard to do as getting the pounds of cake to roll of our tummies!!!!! I do know how to fix this one though!

Wishing You A Pound of Tasty Living!