Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It Is A Girl

It is 90% sure it is a girl!

Vases made by Debra, Megan's sister-in-law-
She makes the most adorable things using the cricket machine. Do you see the rhinestones adorning the dress?

A Cutie Pie is on the way!

The Setting was at The Morning Glory Cafe 

Friends and Family came from near and far to celebrate.
Rachel, Magan, the new mom to be, Monica and sorry-don't know the last friend's name. 
Have to tell you Monica's gift to Megan was one of her own adorable things from when she was a little girl.

Sarah, with her three month old daughter came from San Diego.

Just had to show you Rachel's adorable head band up close and personal!

Megan, Up close and personal!

Mason, Megan's nephew helped her with the gifts. It is so funny how kids like to unwrap presents and be in their midst even though the presents are for someone else. I think, actually, Mason might have had the very most fun at this gala event.

There was food, of course--

And lots and lots of cute wrapping and presents-
I am showing you some of my favorites- Inside this bag was the handmade cards below---Oh so cute. I could have just screamed for joy and they weren't for me. Guess I have a little of Mason fever!

These adorable personalized hats were made by Debra's mom Pat-
and yes, she makes items to sell-

Baby Girl's First Barbie

This onesie cracked me up!

My wrapping for my presents- 
Remember my visit to Mystic Paper?
Had to get some supplies with which to adorn my bags-
The bags were filled with Woof and Poof ( one of my favorite brands--- remember all my Santa's? ) for a little girl. I forgot to take pictures-

And the Favors--
Oh so cute and tasty too.
I stood over the sink and ate my cupcake as soon as I arrived home.

Baby food jars filled with Jelly beans

Loved the display and the cones filled with popcorn.
And all things must come to an end so the party is over

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