Frozen Marigolds
Frozen Tomato Plants
Guess we planted too soon!
We were so proud of our efforts!
There were more frozen plants all around the yard
Decided these were enough pictures for
to get the picture !
Anyway, we are learning. I am happy to report all of our pansies , and there are many, are just fine.
I think I was the most upset about the tomato plants. We purchased them huge, with tomatoes already on
them. They were ten dollars for each plant , but even at this, we thought they were a bargain. I would
have paid twenty five dollars a piece, I wanted them so badly. There is nothing better tasting to me than a
homegrown tomoato. We bought the last of the plants or I would gladly pay again. Oh Well!
I will be replacing the marigolds and I will be on the look out for more large tomato plants. We are
watching the weather more closely now. Truth is though, we have so many plants planted, it would be
quite difficult to cover them all. Next year we will wait till closer to the end of May to put out our
bedding plants. In the meantime, I will be happy that not everything was wiped out.
Oh, so sad. :( Spring has been quite the teaser this year, hasn't she?