Friday, July 9, 2010


      I Get By With A Little ( Lotta ) Help From My Friends

The Artist is Lance Hick
The subject is his dad, Jim Hick

Bits and Pieces
Making decisions has been not an easy task these days.
Randy and I have both been amazed at how difficult it is to deal with plans of any sort.
We have finally decided we need to go to the inquest.

We have not heard if Carlos will be charged with murder.

Maria received a bill from WalMart for $130.00
How do people open accounts with no photo ID ??
Maria had taken out a Life Alert account to protect her from this happening so she has called them to deal with this piece of fraud.
She, so far, still does not have the Show Low ticket resolved.

It Bears Repeating

I Get By With A Lotta Help From My Friends

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