Friday, October 22, 2010

The Rest of Day One and Day Two

The Whole Hog's Worth of Fun!
It is true... that is a whole hog being barbecued ....

My Dear, Dear Friends, Thom and Suzanne

Suzi and Me
Getting ready to tell Thom to STOP at the below!

Today, the 22nd, Suzanne and I had to go back to the Above, so I could purchase an architecutual piece and a mirror, and an old tie rack ( to be used to hold handmade cards ) and then we found these Peanut Pumpkins.... the picture does not in any way shape or form do them justice... In real life they are pinker than any pumpkins I have ever seen...
I also took pictures of fall color that were so blurry they could not be salvaged.....:(    :(    :( ...
I must figure out what happened!!!!!!

Upon arriving to my room last night, this package awaited me.

 Aren't they adorable?
It is a vintage picture... A few years ago, I saw this print in an antique mall and did not buy it... Wrong decision.... Suzi went back to buy it for me and it was gone... we have been looking for it ever since !!!!! May I just say heart throb of joy!!!!!!

So refreshing to be here !

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