Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Newest Addition

Last Saturday, friends and I made another visit to several great shops in the Phoenix area. About two months ago, I saw the below couch. This picture was taken in the shop. I loved it but I resisted. Last Saturday, however, when my eyes saw it again, and there was a hold sign on it, my heart stopped. My girlfriend, Bon, looked and noticed it was past the date posted on the hold sign. I asked and yep, it wasn't on hold any longer... Done... bought it... Too many times I have not purchased something and gone back and been disappointed. It was a deal and often times, in the store, trust me, though fabulous, things are not often within my price range. Yesterday, my husband and I went back to pick it up. It now sits in our Great Room. Smile...
I am trying to decide if I am going to white wash the wood...
Will live with it as is while I finish up other projects !

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see what you do with it! I am sure it will be fabulous.
