Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Valentines

Started with this adorable card and a kiss from my husband...

My Dear Friend Bonnie delivered ( or her husband, Tim, did the delivering) these beautiful wonderful gifts. I won't reveal what is in the little container as I want to do this for some of you and I don't want to spoil the surprise...
Might think about this one as it would be a gift for you ALL to see what is inside...
Might just change my mind and share soon so ALL of you can choose to do this for someone you love!

And lastly, when I walked into my craft pantry, this is what I saw. The heart cards ( which were in desaray and I had forgotten I even had them...the whole pantry is in somewhat of a disaray state...must do something about that!) had fallen and landed next to the Waterford light fixture my mother gave me. We plan to rehang it in our dining room. Unfortunately, one of the arms got broken when we moved it back to this house. Waterford only makes the arms every two to six months so we have to wait. Anyway, seeing the unexpected hearts next to the chandelier gave me a sweet moment with my mother. It was nice.
It was VeRy NiCe.
I hope you had a lovely Valentine's!

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