Refurbished Patio Furniture
New Paint
New Glass
New Cushions
I made little padded sleeves for the backs of the chairs to make them more comfortable. The pleated edge was inspired by
More Refurbished Furniture
I got these two vintage chairs and ottomans about three years ago for $15.00 total at a local flee market.
We finally got around to replacing all the missing straps, cleaning and painting them. I had new cushions cut and made the covers and Ta Da.... Very Comfortable seating.
I plan to move these chairs down to the other end when we eventually get another vintage couch and chairs for this end.
Chandler has a new look too!
He will have this look for the next 18 months..
second phase of his treatment..
They will come off right as he starts high school.
Yesterday my friend Bonnie, her DIL, Debra, and I took a soldering class at Mystic Paper in downtown Mesa, AZ.
We love this store!
I used pictures from Destin for my images since we are in the middle of redoing a condo there. Seascape is the name of the area and 4D is our Unit number..
And on the other side is the name of the town,
us looking out at the sunset
and a picture of the sunset ( which is blocked and a mess in this picture )In person it is quite beautiful.
And last up ...
My Annie Sloan books arrived,
along with the paint chart.
From two in the morning till four last night
I was on the computer trying to decide what colors to order. I wanted WaaaaaaaaaY too many!
I finally stopped myself at five colors, two waxes and brushes and I hit the buy button.
My heart wants more but my mind tells me to wait! I will try these out and let you know if I think they are as wonderful as Miss Mustard seed does. I hope to make some New Looks with this special paints soon after they arrive!!!!
Hope your Sunday has as much color in it as you desire..
In class yesterday, a young mother named Katie,
used black and white pictures of her children in her house and the result was just stunning.
So,,,, color days or black and white days..
Both can be special.
I want to come lounge on your new furniture! The covers are great. You are so talented. Dianne