Monday, August 6, 2012

My Latest Lifesaver

This is my latest addition to my 
bathroom, which has saved my life
when it comes to putting on eyeliner!
I have been wearing glasses and not contacts
which means I have to take off my glasses to 
put on eyeliner. Which, by the way, I have permanent 
makeup and I love it. I like my eyeliner thick most of
the time so I add to what is already there.
My girlfriend, Janice, was visiting and she told me about
her magnifying mirror.
Gosh, now why hadn't I thought of that?!
So easy a solution...

Off to Amazon I went....
Ordered one....
It came....
My hubby mounted it on the wall for me.

Guess I should have put the toilet seat down....
I love my mirror.
I like toilet seats down!

1 comment:

  1. Look how cute you are in your magnifying mirror! I use one every day, but then I have one of those little ones that magnifies 10X stuck to my regular magnified mirror. You don't even want to see what you can see with that baby! Dianne
