Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thursday Tip

This should have gone with the Flower's post...
The perfect way to water your hanging baskets,
or any other type of potted flower/plant, that is not easily 
watered............... a scoop of ice... the soil absorbs the water as it melts and there is no dripping! It is especially wonderful if one has an ice maker..... from a magazine post a friend, without a blog, sent me. Thank you, Janice! Happy Thursday, everyone!


  1. You don't think the ice will freeze the roots? My Mother taught me to always put the leftover ice when we cleared the table into our plants, but I always worry about the roots, especially if you put a big scoop of ice. Dianne

  2. I don't know, Dianne...
    Everything seems to be alright, so far.
    I love that there is no dripping!
