Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Flowers and Beauty

 My doorbell rang a few minutes ago.
By the time I got to the door there was noone there.
I looked down though and there laid a box...
A long narrow box...
I should have taken a picture but I am rusty right now.
After all, it has been a month since I posted.
There are reasons for this but I won't bore you with them,
 at the moment.
The box held these beautful flowers sent from our beautiful friends, Jim and Janice.
I knew they would be coming,
as around Thanksgiving,
hubby got a phone call from some lady in Tampa, Florida
telling us she had received flowers that she was sure were intended for us! Randy's ( hubby ) phone number was on the order. 
 They are just beautiful. They came with a vase but I
had other plans for them. I knew exactly where their home would be.....
My beautiful, new, old, Ironstone Pitcher. 
I went on a girls trip to Atlanta. GA. a couple of weeks ago.
So many fun treasures and good times...
One of those treasures is the Pitcher.
I found it at The Queen of Hearts Antique Mall. 
I had seen them in Roundtop, TX for three times what
the asking price was for this one...
One look and I knew it would be coming home with me.
It is the perfect vessel for the sweet, thoughtful gift of love flowers from our friends.
Just look at that gorgeous crazing...
Isn't it beautiful... the lines are magnificent.
I love it....
smile is even 
W  I  D  E  R
when my eyes


1 comment:

  1. Your pitcher looks fabulous darling! Perfect home for the flowers. Love that runner too.
