Friday, January 4, 2013

My Favorite From Yesterday

Yesterday, my friend, Bon and I met up for breakfast, girl talk and a whirlwind errand run. One errand was to return a metal v I had accidentally bought for a letter a... They were to spell our last name on my mantle.It has been spelled wrong... KRAJCVR for awhile now. This happened to be bought at a store that is in the new first edition of Business Where Women Create. That was just a little sideline...
Anyway, behind the front store, there is another store called Found. 
Have you ever done this?
Wanted to take a picture of something you loved but did not have the ump to ask if it was alright?
The picture above was my first attempt.

Silly Me...
The one above was my second attempt.

Now we are talking.
Bonnie held it up in front of her and I quickly snapped this picture.
The colors aren't quite showing up correctly.
The back ground color is more like Annie Sloan's Old White Color.
The letters are attached to the background and it is all framed in a lovely frame.
The piece is close to $200.
Too pricey for my pocketbook yesterday
I do love it...
I know I am supposed to love people, not things, so let me change that... I LIKE it alot! It has me thinking!
What are you thinking about today that happened yesterday?
Something happy, I hope. :)

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