This is our itty, bitty, Hummingbird Feeder
It has been getting quite a work out
the past few days.
We have a green one, and a yellow one
and an orange one and just a plain brown
one. They have discovered our feeder
and I could not be happier about it. :)
They come and they go throughout the day.
We have almost had a hard time keeping the vials full.
They are quite noisy, too. If the doors are open or we are
sitting on the deck, there is no doubt when one is coming around. Sometimes it is like they are waiting in line at the water fountain, like school children to get a drink!
The other wonderful thing that happened this weekend
is pictured below. Our friend, Verdis, has moved in with
her daughter, Judy. ( also a friend! ) We were at Judy's
Sat. evening and Verdis asked Randy if he would like to
have the fabulous cast iron pot. Before Randy could even speak, I said,"I want it!" It fits perfectly on my Bridge burner. I took this picture before I even cleaned it up. I was so excited to show Verdis how perfect it was on our
stovetop! I had just read The Pioneer Woman's recipe
for Sloppy Joes. My mom used to make Sloppy Joes and I
loved them. I think I know what the first thing I am going to try in this wonderful gift will be, :)
Your feeder is sweet, but so tiny! Wouldn't a bigger one keep you don't from working so hard to keep up with those hungy birds? Be sure to post a picture when you clean up that pot. Dianne