Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Girlfriends Gone

My girlfriends gone
My heart is sad

My girlfriends gone
What fun we had

My girlfriends gone
We'll meet again

My girlfriends gone
But love remains----


  1. Hey CeCe what are you doing on Friday the 23rd? For the first time the Chicklet and I have Fall Break together. In the past I've pulled her out of school for a day and we've gone up north to see Fall colors. We've been to Sedona and Flagg but I've been wanting to head towards uncharted waters, so to say. I've never been to your neck of the woods...comment to my blog or email me runesmom at hotmail dot com.

  2. Hi Cece,
    I thought I commented yesterday but not sure it went thru. Speaking of the absence of friends....The Chicklet and I usually make a day trip during Fall Break. We've never been up towards your neck of the woods. Will you be around Fri., the 23rd? You can email me at runesmom at hotmail dot com.

  3. Beautiful Smiles!!
    There will be future fun (and much future antiquing :)
