Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Now this is a real friend---
Thank you ever so much, Bonnie, for making this adorable Spooky banner for me!
Close up of the Y--
Shows the world one of the reasons Y I love my dear friend, Bonnie.
Like mother, like daughter--
Bonnie's daughter, Megan, made these gorgeous fall leaves. Love them.
And---if that wasn't enough. I also received these fabric pumpkins with real pumpkin stems that Bonnie and Megan made.
Some of the beautiful fall foilage in my Pinetop neighborhood. I took this photo yesterday.

Sorry I haven't blogged this past week.

Partly because I was busy, partly because I don't know how to catch up, partly because ??????

O h so glad to be sitting here in Pinetop, listening to a shower outside, holed up in my flannel nightgown, about to go back to bed as I stayed up way too late last night finishing a book. The name of the book is, All We Ever Wanted Was Everything. Oh so true -- sometimes still want it all!

O h my goodness how time flies by.

K ind of spooky in and of itself.

You will be kind I know as I try to list just a few of the things that have been going on in my life.

I have heard concerns from many about the change in my posting details of what has been happening. There is no way I can go back and fill in the blanks and there is no way I would remember details anyway but .....

Disagreement and argument with Maria ... she did not think I had a right to complain about Amber's things and the garage sale. The exchange was ugly and is still unpleasant for me.

Major concerns about happenings with Amber, Chandler, and Maria.

Different opinions between Randy and myself about the situation but gratefully and I do mean gratefully between Barbara in Texas and Suzanne visiting from TN much progress was made that resulted in....

Petitioning the court for joint guardianship of Chandler, with Maria. This is a solution for us and is in the process.

Amber was given another extension for court as she was sick on her Oct. court date-( This is what we were told when Randy called the court.) The next court date is around mid November.

Well Woman exam and EKG revealed a new Heart Arrhythmia. Doctor had me make an appointment with the cardiologist. This appointment is the first of November.

Remember the ticket I avoided driving from the valley to Pinetop because of the wonderful officer? Funny--I really did deserve to be sited for this offense. Well, on the 6th of October I got a ticket in my neighborhood on the main road going up the mountain. Radar showed me going 41 in a 30 mile zone. The 30 mile zone had just and I mean JUST started from the 40 mile zone. Officer said he would normally give me a warning but on this particular detail they were not giving any warnings. I wonder when they have details in which they do give warnings. I want to go to court but everyone has advised me to just go to driving school so I have registered.

Randy and I are currently taking turns being in the valley and being in Pinetop for Chandler. We are painting the valley home, including trim, walls, cabinets and doors. What a job. Slow process as we are going from stained wood to painted. Also there are deep little grooves in our wide baseboards that require paint to be put in with a tiny craft brush to cover the stain completely. Randy is now on paint detail in the valley and I am on Chandler detail. We will be switching off after Halloween.

While I was in the valley Bonnie and I took a darling fall/Halloween class at the Scrapbook Barn. Dana taught this class and she was great. I hope to take some pictures later of a few of the pages. There is one in particular that I just love.

I do hope your life is not SPOOKY but just full of treats--
for sharing with you is a special treat for me.

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