Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Playing Around

I have been playing around, reading tutorials, trying to learn how to change my background myself.
I have also been downloading some digital papers and actions to use in Photoshop Elements. Sounds uncomplicated, right?
Not so uncomplicated for me and have discovered because I am on a Mac and not a P.C. it is just as complicated for my computer tech, my husband---
So all of this leads me to a conclusion I should have come to long ago--- I must learn more about my Mac operating system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I am searching for online tutorials or classes on my computer's operating system so I can move forward from there. 
So much to learn---- 
So much to learn----
So much to learn----
Kim, of Sweet Sage Vintage, came to my frustrating rescue last night. She sent me directions for changine my background. I tried what she told me to do about three times, with nothing happening. I was about to give up when I remembered in my ealier efforts, from reading tutorials on line, I was told to put in the direct link code to my background instead of the HTML code. So with one last effort I tried it---
It worked!!!!! 
I still need to work on the layout, as it is not what I think I want-
I still need to work on the header--- for some reason it got distorted-
I still need to do much and learn much 
Thanks to Kim, I did make some progress!!!
Thank You, Kim, of Sweet Sage Vintage !!!!!!
She has the most beautiful postings and I see she is playing around with her blog again. You can visit her here!
Hope each of you has a fun Playing Around kind of day.


  1. so much to learn ..
    so much to learn... .
    sooooooooooo much to learn!
    but we'll get there, girlie!
    where there's a WILL .. a wAy!!
    a way, away we'll go!!
    LOVE the new look ;-)
    Enjoy your 'Play Day'!!

  2. A Mac!!! No wonder you are having trouble! LOL!!! My brain would freeze if I had to use a Mac now.

    One suggestion, change the color of your font. The light brown is too hard to read against the background -- especially on the left side. Letters blend in. Black would be better or a darker brown.

    Otherwise, keep goin', girl! It gets easier every time you work on it. It's lookin' good so far!
