Saturday, April 17, 2010

Working Around

 Just a quick post to say a life opportunity presented itself so I have been interruted with my blog playing.

Not a very exciting opportunity but exciting in the fact that seldom these days do we get to be in the valley together and we both needed to be here to hang cabinet doors-- not a job for one person.

Maria's dad was in Pinetop and could watch Chandler after school so we quickly jumped in the car and drove straight to our house and started working. Our goal is to get the cabinets finished before we have to head up tomorrow. It will be tight----

I brought my camera and just took a picture to show you, of some progress , but I failed to grab the USB cable to transfer the pictures from the camera to my computer sooooooooooo----

Well, well, my husband just told me he has a cord so I can upload the two pictures ---

Much work to do so must get busy---

Oh My, I'll say there is lots of work still to do!
Doors to be hung-
Hardware to be put on the shabby white cabinets-
Baseboard under green counters to be painted green-
And then there is the clean up-

And this is just the kitchen-
There is still the laundry room to be done and handles put on all the bathroom cabinets too!

Close up of the green cabinets and the new glass handles.

                             Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. It looks AMAZING!!! Can't wait to see the finished product:)

  2. I LOVE that color CeCe! That is so great that you can do that yourselves. Was the wordless Wednesday photo really snow from yesterday?! Yikes! Take care - Patty
