Thursday, January 28, 2010

What Can I Say

For visiting me today!

On patience, since I am not selling anything, at the moment!

I thought I was purchasing a blog banner.

It is pretty obvious I don't know what I am doing------

It is pretty obvious I am trying though------

I purchased this banner-

As it so happened-

It was an Etsy banner-

Not a blog banner-

Oh, well, like me, it does not fit correctly in the space it is intended to inhabit.

It is still cute---

Does that mean I am saying I am still cute???

Well, if you like someone who spends more time in P. J's than in regular clothing----


But my heart tries to be cute most of the time

My mind is trying to expand----

I purchased Photoshop Elements 8 for my Mac. I already had Photoshop 7 on Windows---

I did not want to have to switch back and forth to Windows---

Did you PC people know my Mac also runs Windows? Pretty cool, huh?

Alright, back to Photoshop. I spent an entire day on one lesson. I was close to tears during that one lesson, as well. That was because of the usual computer glitches one runs into--- Long Story--- concerning the program being messed up---but eventually I was the one to notice it was only loading jpeg files. At this point I was close to frustration tears. I was bound and determined not to give up though. It got fixed by unloading and reloading, etc. I was just so proud it was me that figured out what was happening. My husband, my computer tech guy had not noticed. I probably sound full of myself--- but trust me, for my ego, in the computer world, this was a major accomplishment.
I still have not had time to go on to lesson two but ----

Someday, maybe some year, instead of someday, I will have banners that fit and maybe, just maybe, I will have made them myself. Smile.

Until then, I hope you have a perfect banner type of day, and week, and month and shucks, let's make it a year!

During that year, you might want to visit Kimberly's Etsy shop --Irish Rose Graphics. She makes some cute banner stuff!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Turkey Trot

Can You See It?

I can't.

When I awoke from a nap, my husband told me he wished I had been awake, as two wild turkeys had walked right past our house and across the road. He said by the time he thought to get the camera and get outside to take a picture, for me, they were far away. He took a picture anyway. Shucks, people keep telling me wild life abounds up here but as of yet, all I have seen is squirrels and birds, both of which I love to watch, but turkeys would have been fun to see. Maybe next time.
Notice the trees though -- the sun has been shining and the snow is almost gone from the trees.

We are learning about living in these winter snow conditions. Did I tell you the roof collapsed on the fire station near our house? The only time we have been to town, along the way, we noticed two different sets of people getting snow off their porch roofs, which were not very pitched. Ahaaaaaa--- we thought. Got the name of some roof snow removers, off a sign along the road,and called them. Late yesterday afternoon, they cleared the porch roof. We had a couple of cracked beams. Yikes! Randy wasn't too upset about it as we will need to replace the roof, at some point, and he said we would just get them fixed then.

And, today, for the first time, got the email from my favorite airline--
showing their new service, beginning in May to---
Panama City Beach, Florida
Ta Da!!!!

This is on the Pan Handle ( think that is what it is called ) and this beach is right next door to Destin, the place I went with my girlfriends back in August. Before, if we were not driving, we would have to fly into Mobile, Alabama and rent a car or drive from Nashville, TN when visiting friends. We have even talked about buying a condo in Destin, where our friends, Scottye and Jerry, own a place. Of course, that is just a thought at this point. My dream place has always been the beach. Love those ocean waves. I think the airport will be very good for property values. I am hoping things do not go really high again before I can get my honey down there to take a look.
You might remember pictures of an adorable cottage, in Brentwood, TN, I featured in a much earlier post. Well, it was the Crooks, Scottye and Jerry's. The condo in Destin is also theirs. The pictures I posted of me at the beach back in August were taken in Destin. In the midst of all this snow I am beach dreaming.

I am heading down to the valley tomorrow. We are due for some more " weather" so I am hoping it does not come before I get out of here.
Now, if this isn't just the funniest thing. Here I am, up in the mountains, and as usual, I don't want to leave.
The same thing happens when I am in the valley and it is time to head back up here,
I don't want to leave.
I am looking forward to catching up with some valley friends, amidst completing and getting ready for delivery, my February packaging products.
It will be a fun time and I imagine I will take a trip or two to Target!!!!

Hope everything is on target for you having a lovely rest of the week.
Till next time---

Saturday, January 23, 2010

January Twenty Second and Twenty Third Snow Report From Pinetop

Well, this time we were without power for around 32 hours. I did not have Internet service, lights, or anything involved with electricity. It came back on this afternoon. Yesterday, after shoveling, Randy and I both read books. He read The Shack and I read Lovely Bones. We read last night using flashlights. We now have a list of things we need to get, for these times. I have my grandmother's kerosene lamps---in the valley. Bringing them up here! As I said in my last post, I am a power kind of girl. I don't want to be without it. I must say, though, the house looked lovely with all the little candles flickering and it is seldom I get my husband to sit and read with me. That part was fun. Smile.

More Snow Beauty
The Beauty of it All!
My Angel is totally covered now.
An all too familiar site, lately. I have been out there also. We would spell each other. Further down you will see how far the path is to the cars. We keep having to shovel them out, as well. We have a person coming to plow the berm, at the street, in front of the cars. In fact, he is here right now. I just hope it does not snow again tonight!
The backyard. See the snow up to the top of the fence!
The steps right outside the back doors.
Looks like we will be shoveling out back, too. Our central heat and air is still out. We are guessing the pilot light is out due to all the snow. The closest path to the unit is through the back yard-- Oh My. Again, we are not cold downstairs due to the wood burning stove. Tonight we will also have our electric mattress pads. Maybe I shouldn't speak so soon. Let me rephrase that. Hopefully, tonight we will have our electric mattress pads warming up our bed.
View from our bathroom. The front trash can is not as high because I cleaned it off a couple of days ago.
A neighbor's house in back of us, to the side.
My new refrigerator! We have to watch carefully, as we have critters up here!
Luckily everything is now back inside in the real refrigerator.
The long path to the cars--
Hope your path is clear for fun!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

January Twentyfirst Snow Report from Pinetop

Remember the cleared porch and walkway to the cars?
There are just two pictures today because----
we did not go outside.
I am also posting this as quickly as I can as we were without power today from seven this morning until about an hour ago. I do not do well without electricity, at night. I need light to be able to do things! It came on just in time. Our central heat and air is still not working ,but we have been nice and warm, thanks to our Wood Burning Stove.
If you look closely, you can just see the top of my angel's head sitting on the wishing well. I imagine tomorrow she will be completely gone.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January Twentieth Snow Report From Pinetop

The Railing This Morning
Randy swept it off, sooooo--- this will be the last railing snow watch, for accumulation.
View From The Porch
View From The Side Porch

Clear Our Way Out
Now understand--The porch had been cleared off yesterday-
Path to the Cars
I am mad I did not take a picture of the driveway we dug out so the cars could get out of the driveway. Trust me--it was a workout.
The wood we had gathered and placed on the covered porch. Wind was blowing obviously.
My snow boots making their way to take the following picture-
My Favorite--Doesn't it look like lace on the fence?!

From what we hear this is just the beginning-
Randy parked closer to the street so we would have less to shovel tomorrow.
We have a snow plow scheduled to come on Saturday-
From what we hear Saturday will be the end of this go round-
From what I know-
There will be another beginning and another ending-
Is what keeps life exciting, isn't it?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

N Your Dreams Snow Report For January Seventeenth and Eighteenth

Foot prints last night on deck when I was going out to take the below pictures as the first round of snow had fallen.

Porch Railing Last Night
Porch Railing This Morning
I wish the truck wasn't in this picture. My jeep is covered up with snow to the point it hardly shows up in the picture. It is in the drive on the left hand side of the picture. I love how the snow flakes look. This, too, was taken this morning when the railing picture was taken.
Is this gorgeous or what?

Can't wait to get that ugly dish thing off the roof. I am thinking it is probably bothering me much more than you ,when you look at the picture! Randy just told me, after looking at my picture, he will get it off the roof this spring for me. Along with my fire in the fireplace, that makes me feel warm and cozy. Smile.

Monday, January 18, 2010

White Bean Chili

What with it being about to snow storm where I live, I thought I would share a cozy, hearty, down to earth, great to eat in front of the fire, recipe with you. We have enjoyed this the last couple of days. Many of you, especially those of you living in the Southwest might already have your version of the Chili but Scottye, a TN friend emailed me she did not have this recipe. As I was about to send it to her, I thought," Why not share it with all my computer friends? If Scottye does not have it, then there are others who don't, as well." So, I hope you snuggle up inside, if it is cold or rainy where you are, and enjoy a bowl of White Bean Chili.

White Bean Chili

1 pound dried white beans, rinsed
3 pounds boneless chicken breasts
2 large onions, chopped
8 cloves garlic, minced
2 large cans ( 7 oz.) green chiles, chopped
5 tsp. cumin
3 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper

Salt to taste -- You will need to taste the liquid periodically to make sure it is seasoned to your liking. I like lots of salt and I like it heavily seasoned. I have actually given you proportions that are twice the original recipe I received and the truth is, I use more seasoning than what I have written here.
6 cups chicken broth
Grated Monterey Jack Cheese
Sour Cream, salsa, fresh cilantro

Soak beans overnight. Cook chicken breast in crock pot overnight. Remove chicken breasts and save to add to pot later. Make sure there is plenty of stock in the pot. If not enough, add some canned chicken broth. You will want to check the liquid level , at times, to make sure there is enough liquid to cover the beans, etc. so the chili will not be dry. If you are not at home to do this, I suggest you just make sure there is plenty of stock in the pot before you leave the house. Add beans, onions, garlic, chilies, cumin, oregano, cloves and cayenne. Cook in crock pot until beans are tender. Add chopped chicken and 2 cups grated cheese. Serve the chili with more grated cheese on top, a scoop of sour cream and fresh cilantro.
Note: The fresh cilantro is very important to the taste of this Chile. You purchase it in the produce department. Rinse it and tear off the leaves.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

January Sixteenth

I love the way these droppings out of the tops of the Pine trees look in the snow. They look like little plants growing.

Up close and personal view-
To get this picture I had to step out on the back steps. When I did so my foot went straight through a pile of snow and I almost lost my balance. My foot got wet but that was the extent of the damage. It was worth it. I like up close and personal!
This is our stock pile. The back yard, in the above pictures, will look very different a
week from now. That is, if the weather people are right. We are scheduled to get snow starting on Tuesday for four days in a row. I think my pretty little pine droppings will be covered up with snow. The above wood was gathered and brought up from our wood pile in the yard. This wood is covered and right outside the side door. Our other pile is covered with tarp but tromping out in the snow to gather wood is not fun. I imagine we will be gathering some more before Monday night.

We also took a field trip today. We went to Wal-mart and bought chains for the truck and then we went to the Subaru dealership. There we looked at their Outback which has all-wheel drive. We were quite impressed. Cars have never been our thing. In fact, our motto is, the fewer cars you own in your life, the better it is for your net worth. However, when you live in the high country, having four wheel drive, at least, is a smart thing. Soooooooo, we are starting to look. I have a sneaking suspicion when Randy puts the chains on the truck we will be looking more in earnest!

I have been working on product creation and I also wanted to take a picture of something I did for my dining room table, but unfortunately, Wal-mart did not have red taper candles. Do I have lots of these in the valley? Yes--but do I even know where they are packed away? No-- so would I gladly buy some more up here? Yes--but we don't have a Target. I am just assuming Target would have these! Everyone that lives up here keeps wishing for a Target. I am included in that everyone!!
You know though, I just glanced over at the table and it doesn't look that bad with the creamy white candles. Got you wondering what it is I did for the center piece, don't I?
I just need to add something---not sure what yet---but when I figure it out I will take a picture and share. Sooooooooo--- come back to visit, pretty please.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

January Eighth and Ninth

I have noticed I have posted recently two days at a time. This has not been a planned occurrence so don't get too very used to the consistency. Wink- I am liking that wink thing. On a comment I got once from Dede Warren that included a wink. Loved it. You can visit this lovely lady by clicking here. Alright, back on track.
Yesterday afternoon we all went to the movies. While Randy and Chandler watched Avatar I watched Blindside. The guys had gone to see Blindside without me while I was in the valley. I was a little upset with myself for not remembering long ago I promised myself I would always have Kleenex with me when going to the movies---just in case those tears started streaming. Yep, tears----
Worth the messed up makeup----
Asked Randy and Chandler which movie they liked better. Randy told me they were completely different types of movies. I rephrased my question. If you could only see one movie which one would you pick. Blindside was the answer. Chandler especially liked it. In fact, he wanted Randy to give up Avatar and see Blindside with me again. We talked him into waiting until it is out to rent and we will all watch it together again. I was happy to hear how much he liked it and if and when you see it I think you will understand my pleasure in his comments.

Today I awoke feeling "special good." Special Good is my newest way to express feeling the sort of happy when most things feel right in your heart. My dear husband said it was because I knew he and Chandler were going to the ski slopes today and I would have the house all to myself. I guess he was partly right. I love days when I have no responsibilities to anyone and can stay in jammies all day long and choose to do whatever my heart desires. But more than that, today both Chandler and Randy seemed "special good" also. Everything was in sync. I cooked a big breakfast. Chandler said he wanted sausage, bacon, biscuits and scrambled eggs --- NOT requested very often ---- cereal, pop tart ( I had never even bought pop tarts before Mr. Chandler was around !) or some other simple item is the usual request for breakfast. After breakfast and the guys were about to leave I had Chandler make sure I knew how to set up what you will see in the picture below.

Wii Fit
For Christmas Randy and I bought a Wii so Chandler would have the gaming system at our house and we would have Wii Fit to help us get , well, more fit.
Randy set it up yesterday and the program began. I must say, I had been told it was fun. I thought to myself, it is an exercise program--Fun????
Fun!!!!!! We all got into it and are now competing to get the best scores. We are starting off slowly and not overdoing but so far it is indeed fun.

The Look of a Competitor
And yes, I am in my jammies. Chandler had me back up there, in his room, last night.
He wanted to get some of my footwork. Truth is he took about 15 pictures and was making me unable to concentrate to get a better score! After doing the footwork balance routine again several times this morning though, he will arrive home to find me in first place! Smile.
My guys, on the porch, right before heading out for the slopes.
This is what I plan to do after posting.I am cutting out items for one of my packaging products. What a fun way to earn my spending money. I am so grateful to work with wonderful customers whom have also become friends. I have been reminded this week I am in control of my business and I am at a point in my life when I am fortunate enough to make sure what I am doing is bringing me joy. Thank you, husband of mine, for this reminder.

Earlier today I spent a lot of time on the phone catching up with Kay, a dear, dear, relative who lost her husband, Mickey, my cousin, a little over a year ago. She does not have a computer and when she mentioned getting one I encouraged her to do so. I told her there is a whole world of fun waiting for her. When we talked I was also reminded while I love having my jammy days and the house to myself when the boys are gone, I am comfortable in the knowledge that at the end of the day they will be walking back through that door.
I am

Hope you are too!